
What is the Amarok?

In Inuit mythology, the Amarok is a giant wolf-like creature that roams the wilderness, especially during the night. Unlike typical wolves that hunt in packs, the Amarok is said to be a solitary hunter, embodying both power and mystery. The Amarok is often associated with the harsh, untamed forces of nature and is sometimes seen as a guardian spirit of the wild. In some tales, it appears to those who wander alone in the wilderness, either as a guide or as a threat, depending on the person's intentions or actions. While its exact depiction varies, the Amarok is usually described as much larger and more fearsome than an ordinary wolf. Some Inuit stories speak of the Amarok helping those who show respect for nature, while others tell of it punishing those who act recklessly or with arrogance. These myths have helped instill a sense of reverence and caution toward the natural world.